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You want to estimate...

... a x% lethal concentration (LCx)

We expect you have survival data at constant exposure concentration.

1.1. If you measured survival only at the end of your experiment
1.2. If you measured survival at several time points all along your experiment
1.2.1. You can perform a standard analysis (as for tier 1 in ERA)
1.2.2. You can benefit from a more advanced analysis accounting for time-dependency of your full dataset (TK-TD analysis)
... a x% effective concentration (ECx)

We expect you have both survival and reproduction data over time

↦ go to MOSAICrepro
... a no effect concentration (NEC)

We expect you have time-dependent survival data, that is data at several time points for several tested concentrations

↦ go to MOSAICGUTS-fit
... a p% hazard concentration (HCp)

We expect you have a set of toxicity values (LCx/ECx/NEC…) for several species either as point estimates (one value per species) or as interval estimates (i.e., censored values with either lower and upper bounds, only a lower bound, or only an upper bound)


You want to predict...

1. The survival rate over time under a specific exposure profile

We expect you have GUTS-SD and/or GUTS-IT parameter values.

For any other request

please contact us: